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"Delineation of Khad Land " : Industries Dept communication to Revenue Dept: No timeline yet

  "Delineation of Khad Land " : Industries Dept communication to Revenue Dept:  No timeline yet

Rajesh Gupta

Jammu, Sept 29: It is to mention here that once upon a time SRO 456 of 2017 was issued by which Div com & DCs were designated as adjudicating Officers but they did nothing to decide the issue.

Thereafter after publications of Cross Town News , Vijay Biduhri as Secretary Revenue understood the harassment to public & got the approval of Administrative council headed by LG vide decision no 17/1/2022 dtd 29th Jan 2022 which was followed by Govt Order dtd 4th Feb 2022 by which 03 months time was granted to DCs to resolve the issue.

However, DC Kathua & Samba took the lead but DC Jammu preferred to sleep over the issue except clearance of one area at Sehora village but in between Bidhuri was transferred & thereafter again the issue hanged in fire & till date hanging in air in the sky.

However, thereafter following continues publications by Cross Town News & complaint to LG by Rajesh Gupta Managing Editor Cross Town News, communications were made to Secretary Revenue for actions, thereafter again LG issued new ACs Decision dtd 25th Aug 2024 over the same issue but without any time limit .

Above all it is to mention here that after interference of J&K Industry's Association, Pr Secretary, Industries & Commerce vide letter dtd 14th Aug 2024 communicated to Secretary Revenue for Action Taken Report on "Gair Mumkin Khad Lands Issue" but Revenue Dept simply communicated to Pr Secretary, I&C that vide G.O.No 102-JK(Rev) of 2024 dtd 2.8.2024 procedure for delineation of khads which do not form water course have been notified?

But what about the time line , what next after notification , Any work done by DCs?

It is a matter of concern to publish here that the same issue stands approved by Administrative council headed by LG vide decision no 17/1/2022 dtd 29th Jan 2022 which was followed by Govt Order dtd 4th Feb 2022 by which 03 months time was granted to DCs to resolve the issue and now again by LG Council , but  Action Taken Report sought by Pr Secretary I&C over the issue with simple reply that vide G.O.No 102-JK(Rev) of 2024 dtd 2.8.2024 procedure for delineation of khads which do not form water course have been notified,speak of working in J&K.



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