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J&K BJP General Secretary Vibodh condemns Human Rights Violations in PoJK, Balochistan

J&K BJP General Secretary Vibodh condemns Human Rights Violations in PoJK, Balochistan

  Basholi, July 26: BJP J&K General Secretary and Former MLC Vibodh Gupta on Friday paid homage to the Kargil war martyr Shaheed Hav. Rajinder Singh in Nagrota, Basholi to mark the 25th anniversary of India's victory over Pakistan in the 1999 war. He also paid tributes to other officers and soldiers of the armed forces who made the supreme sacrifice in service of the nation in the Kargil War.

Speaking at the Shradhanjali Samaroh, Vibodh said," I salute those brave sons, who sacrificed everything for the protection of the motherland. I salute those brave sons who put the nation first and did not hesitate to sacrifice their lives for it." Vibodh remarked, "The valor and sacrifice of our soldiers in the Kargil War have been etched into the heart of our nation. Their unwavering dedication to protecting our borders ensures that India remains a sovereign and secure nation continues to inspire each of us."

Vibodh warned Pakistan of again repeating mistakes of 1965, 1971 and 1999 and said "Pakistan should not commit the mistake of repeating 1965, 1971 and 1999. If they repeat it, then no power in the world will be able to protect Pakistan from disintegrating further.He strongly asserted that Human rights violations are committed against people of PoJK, Balochs and Pashtune and it's not acceptable." BJP District President Darshan Singh expressed profound gratitude to the heroes of the Kargil War.

He highlighted the sacrifices made by the soldiers who laid down their lives in the 1999 Kargil War emphasizing that their bravery and commitment to the nation serve as an enduring inspiration for all Indians. He stressed that while the country honors the memories of the martyred soldiers, it must also remain vigilant and prepared to defend against any future threats. Chairperson DDC Kathua, Col. Maan Singh also paid homage to the Kargil war heroes, acknowledging their ultimate sacrifice in defending the nation. He spoke passionately about the significance of their bravery and the inspiration it provides to current and future generations.

"The soldiers who fought in the Kargil War exemplify the highest ideals of courage and patriotism. Their sacrifices are a powerful reminder of the debt we owe to those who safeguard our freedoms," Singh said. BJP's Prabhari Pahari Zila Jangbir Singh commemorated the Kargil war martyrs by highlighting their extraordinary bravery and dedication. He noted that the soldiers' sacrifices during the 1999 war very crucial in defending the nation’s territorial integrity. "The courage and selflessness demonstrated by our soldiers during the Kargil War are exemplary. They fought under harsh conditions to protect our motherland, and we owe them an eternal debt of gratitude," Singh stated.



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