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Association urges LG J&K to continue Officer for 3 years

Association urges  LG J&K to continue Officer for 3 years

Rajesh Gupta

Srinagar, June 30: 
Shakeel Ahmed Rather, President United Quarry Association Athwajan, srinagar with regd No :2937_S/DT.14/2/98, through a press release has said that we the United Quarry Association of Athwajan Srinagar pay gratitude to the Hon'ble LG Administration for sending the department of Geology Mining a very competent, hardworking, honest and public friendly Director for the first time in last thirty years.

Statement, copy with CTN further said that Rathore is such a good leader who has almost de- rooted the illegal mining, so why legal Miners are very satisfied with the efforts of the Director.

Statement added that we on behalf of the public and mining stakeholders request the LG Administration, Chief Secretary, J&K that Rathore may be continued as Director, G&M, J&K for at least next three years for the betterment of General Public.



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