JAMMU, Sep 27: Divisional Commissioner Jammu Ramesh Kumar , who is also Chairman of Shiv Khori Shrine, assured Temporary shelter soon for Ponies at Shiv Khori Shrine , says more facilities to up come up at Shrine within months.
Editor Rahil Gupta , was requested by concerned People at Shiv Khori to look into the issue as harsh weather make things difficult.
Rahil Gupta urged DivCom on the issue , who assured temporary Structure will be made at earliest, till permanent structure comes up.
Pertinent to mention , Ramesh Kumar signed an MoU with JSW Foundation for the development and restoration of facilities at Shiv Khori Shrine, where foundation will provide necessary funds under its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) corpus for the development of facilities and support the Shiv Khori Shrine Board in ensuring public convenience.
DivCom informed Team of experts have conducted a scientific survey and identified several works under restoration project including refurbishment of ghat and toilets, food kiosks, drinking water points, resting, rain shelters along the pathways, benches, installation of dustbins and creation of other necessary infrastructure and facilities.
The works have also started.