JAMMU,Jan 03: Minister for Public Works (R&B) and Parliamentary Affairs, Abdul Rehman Veeri today informed the House that the Government has sanctioned various works in district Kupwara as part of "Integrated Development of Tourist facilities at Gulmarg- Baramulla-Kupwara- Leh" under the Prime Minister's Development Package (PMDP. Rs
The sanctioned projects include, development of Tourist Interpretation Centre at Chotipora at a cost of Rs 68.83 lakh, Development of Tourist Interpretation Centre at Watayn at a cost of Rs 1.92 crore, Development of Tourist Facilities at Trehgam at a cost of Rs 34.70 lakh, Development of Tourist facilities, Cafeteria, Log Huts around TRC Handwara at a cost of Rs 4.70 Crore, development of tourist facilities at Karnah area at a cost of Rs 1.51 Crore, development of adventure tourism facilities in Lolab-Divar with camping sites infrastructure at a cost of Rs 3.42 crore, development of tourist facilities around Sufi heritage sites at a cost of Rs 99.64 lakh which includes Sonwar Ziyarat Muqam Shahwali Drugmulla and Gasi Sahab Zurhama, the Minister informed the house.
Replying to a question by Advocate Bashir Ahmed Dar, the Minister said that under the project "Development of Bungus Valley as a Tourist Destination" sanctioned by Union Ministry of Tourism at a cost of Rs 2.31 crore, tourist infrastructure facilities in the form of Guest Lodges, Rest Houses, Tourist Information Centre, improvement of tracks and trails have already been created.
Regarding the status of works under execution in Lolab-Bangus-Drungyari Development Authority under Annual Plan, the Minister said that majority of works are at final stage of execution .
Mr Veeri further revealed that Union Ministry of Tourism has released a advance mobilization of Rs 19.39 crore in favour of executing agency National Building Construction Corporation (NBCC) for the development of Gulmarg-Baramulla-Kupwara-Leh Circuit" which also includes Rs 2.72 crore for the components sanctioned for Kupwara under the circuit.