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Negative Unity of CTP of TPO , CTP JDA & ATP; Whereas Pr Sec. H&UDD/VC JDA helpless in Jammu?

Rajesh Gupta

Jammu, March 21:No actions taken by Pr Secretary, H&UDD/Div Com, Jammu & VC JDA on the boss Anil Raina,CTP/STP of Town Planing Org Jammu/Jammu Municipal Corporation being Member-Secretary, UTEIC for using different yard sticks in JMC/JDA w.r.t. Srinagar UTEIC rules  & other Jagdish Hans, so called CTP of JDA for committing lot of illagalities over UTEIC/Zonal Plans & adopting different yard sticks for adopting Land Use as per old Master Plan & other related issues  despite complaints made to them , slowly becoming talk of the town & raising pointer towards them for their polite attitude against such in efficient CTP/STP/ATP's.

However, Now Negative Unity of Anil Raina, Jagdish Hans & one additional boss RajivAbrol, ATP of Town Planning Organization Jammu, who was once made STP, of JMC for few days but immediatly was reverted back as ATP, is now clear from the live episode , as  one plan of building permission was thrown here & there & non technical VC's of  JDA could not understood the technical words despite every thing is explained in the Master Plan-2032 in section wise & para wise & with bold letters caused harassment to a woman for her building permission, who want to pay Govt fee to the tune of lakh in Govt's account despite number of buildings constructed nearby with out any approval.

Pertinent to mention here that after lot of personal discussions with present VC JDA , which were made by the husband of applicant on VC's table since he had taken over as VC JDA but the boss VC, JDA while going through personal copy of MP-2032 lying in his drawer after discussions was fully satisfied that observations made by Jagdish Hans are totally wrong  but no actions  over the case & on continuous requests, the VC despite acting on the issue, again communicated to CTP, TPO , the boss Anil Raina vide his letter dated: 17.02.2022 for his comments as a expert on each of the issue raised by the complainant, which is evidient clear from the snapshot of the said communication of VC, and which led to  another delay tactics.

But now the efficiency of Anil Raina & Rajiv Abrol of TPO can be seen from their reply to VC but after sleeping on the simple issue for 18 days in a shocking & different way by putting the observation called by the VC in one side & in air  & Mr Raina's letter dated: 09.03.2022 speaks of his malfidies , harassment or derliction of duties to play delay tactics again, which openly raised a pointer towards Anil Raina & Rajiv Abrol both?

Above all it is to mention here that from the letter dated: 09.03.2022 adressed to VC JDA ,it was clarified that already vide letter dated: 05.06.2021 both observations of  Jagdish Hans stands clarified by the boss Anil Raina with some questions raised on illegal constructions made nearby the said proposed site but till date despite what actions VC JDA had taken against those buildings, which caused loss to the tume of crore to Govt exchequer raised a question but against whom?

Now, it is the big question on VC JDA to act tough on his bue eyed Jagdish Hans & reccomend actions against Anil Raina for misleading reply being a technical head over the issue, which otherwise proved case of deriliction of duties & lack of knowledge on the part of such kind officers and are proved cases of deadwoods under Art 226(2)

However, rest matters regarding so called DCR & hierachy of uses are cleared from relevent sections & which are clear from the snapshots as under & requires high level enquiry or CBI enquiry being the proved case of Govt losses by way of building permission fee, malafidies, harassment, deriliction of duties etc etc.

It shall follow....




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