LONDON, June 23: Ankit Love wants nomination of Dr Karan Singh & Bhim Singh for President and Vice President of India.
The Press Statement with Cross Town News reads " Ankit Love appeals to the esteemed Electoral College of India, to take the opportunity and elevate the prestige of the nation internationally as never witnessed before in the upcoming 2022 Indian Presidential Elections, by electing the most exciting and illustrious candidates Dr. Karan Singh, 90 and Prof. Bhim Singh, 79 as President and Vice President of the nation. The two best men alive for the job.
Recently, Prime Minister Modi and Dr. Karan Singh jointly released manuscripts pertaining to the Gita in March 2021, and on Thursday June 24, 2021, Prof. Bhim Singh has been invited by Prime Minister Modi to discuss the restoration of the statehood of Jammu and Kashmir."