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Officers of DC Office Jammu proved more powerful than LG's Office/Govt?

Rajesh Gupta

Jammu, Feb 22: When State was turned into UT, Govt assurred with work culture but it has been observed otherwise by general public.

Few Officers in DC Office Jammu have taken the lead in all aspects to harass general public by this way or the other as neither the bosses act on grievances filed in Governor/Govt's Grievance Cell nor RTIs.

The  failure of Griervance Cell by the DC Office, Jammu can be observed from disposal of Gr No. 999001100747 filed on 14th March, 2019 followed by 999001683948 dated. 26th Nov. 2020 followed by reminder on the same issue vide no. 999001830084 dated 30th Jan, 2021.

Now, the below snapshot reads that how RTIs are bothered by PIO etc of DC Office Jammu also proved to be a big failure, causing harassment to general public but no action speaks of collapse of system.

However, now let us wait & watch how the orders passed by the Ist Appeallant Authority over an simple issue of their office shall be acted in next three to seven days as evidient from the orders passsed by the Ist Appeallant Authority.

If enquired the basic application of  said RTI , the issue shall detect deriliction of duties by officers/officials of DC Office, Jammu.

However, order passed in  Ist appeal, copy with CTN reads  regarding the work culture in DC office Jammu .



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