SRINAGAR, MAY 11: The Legislative Assembly today issued provisional calendar for the Budget Session (2016-17) beginning here on 25 May 2016 with the Governor’s address.
On 26, 27 and 28 May there will be discussion on Motion of Thanks on the Governor’s Address.
The Budget 2016-17 will be presented in the House on 30 May 2016, while General Discussion on Budget will be held on 31 May and 1 & 2 June.
From 3 June to 22 June, the House would take up demands of individual departments for discussion. On 23 June, the House would take up Appropriation Bill. On 24 June, the House would take up Private Members’ Resolutions, 25 June has been dedicated for Government Business, 27 June for Private Members’ Bills, 28 June for Private Members’ Resolutions, 29 June for Private Members’ Bills and 30 June for Government Business.