Jammu, March 17: Health Minister Minister for Health and Medical Education, Sakeena Itoo, today said that six Medial Officers and two Dental Surgeons are among other dedicated staff, catering seamless healthcare services to the general public at Sub District Hospital (SDH), Shangus in Anantnag.
The Minister was replying to a question raised by Reyaz Ahmad Khan in the Legislative Assembly.
She said that in the month of November 2024, 365 selectees were appointed as Medical Officers in the J&K Health & Family Welfare (Gazetted) Services, out of these, 16 were posted in the far-flung/peripheral health institutes of Anantnag district strengthening the healthcare facilities at grassroots level.
The Minister informed that there are 4 sanctioned posts of Medical Officers at Sub District Hospital (SDH) Shangus and all four posts are in position.
Besides, 2 Medical Officers under the National Health Mission (NHM) are also serving at SDH Shangus. Besides, sanctioned posts of 2 Dental Surgeons for SDH Shangus are also in place, she added.
The Minister added that specialist posts were created for SDH Shangus, however, later vide Government Order No. 875, dated 06.09.2002, these posts were kept in abeyance.
She informed that the up gradation of health institutions mainly depend upon multiple parameters vis; population, infrastructure, distance from nearby Health institutions, work load and fulfilment of conditionality of IPHS norms-2022 and circular instructions of the Government issued from time to time.