Navi Mumbai, Jan 12: The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has filed a chargesheet against three persons in a bribery case, including Shylender Kumar Singh, the then preventive officer at Jawaharlal Nehru Custom House , Nhava Sheva, and two private persons, Sanjay Shinde and Swami Dhoble.
The charges include criminal conspiracy, misconduct by a public servant, and bribery.
The case, registered on February 12, 2024, stems from allegations that Singh, while posted at the Special Intelligence and Investigation Branch (SIIB) of JNCH, became aware of fraudulent duty drawback claims made by a syndicate led by a private person.
Singh allegedly demanded Rs1 crore in bribes to prevent exposing the syndicate.
After negotiations, the bribe was reduced to Rs 25 lakh, with an additional Rs 10,000 per bogus shipping bill for future submissions.
Investigations revealed incriminating evidence, including phone conversations between the accused, detailing the negotiations for the illegal gratification.
The CBI also uncovered evidence of the bribery transaction, leading to the filing of charges.