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CAT imposes cost of Rs 10000 for filling frivolous petition

CAT imposes cost of Rs 10000 for filling frivolous petition

JAMMU, Oct 21: CAT Jammu bench has dismissed a frivolous petition filed by one Ragubir Singh and imposed cost of Rs 10,000 with the observation that applicant had concealed the facts and unnecessarily dragged the private respondent Sunesh Kumar before the court.

The applicant had challenged the provisional selection list of the Inspectors in the Finance Department wherein Sunesh Kumar was selected in the ex-servicemen category.

Bench added that there was instruction in the advertisement that a person who had already got the benefit of ex-servicemen category cannot avail the second benefit in the same category.

The applicant obtained stay from the court against the appointment of respondent on the ground that Sunesh Kumar had already obtained the benefit of ex-servicemen category by working in the Accounts Section in the Panchayat.

However, it was revealed later that there was a corrigendum to the advertisement notification whereby it was made clear that a person who had already obtained benefit of ex-servicemen category in some other post can get the same in other advertisement.



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