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DC Kishtwar asks sectoral officers to saturate Govt policies in 13 Model Panchayats, first

DC Kishtwar asks sectoral officers to saturate Govt policies in 13 Model Panchayats, first

Kishtwar,11-10-2024 District Development Commissioner (DDC) Kishtwar, Mr. Rajesh Kumar Shavan, today conducted a comprehensive review of the progress achieved in key indicators under 13 designated Model Panchayats of District Kishtwar, during a comprehensive meeting with key line departments.

During the meeting, the concerned officers briefed the DDC on the progress made under the 78 key indicators in the 13 designated Model Panchayats, in relation to their respective departments.

Pertinent to mention that the DDC has prioritised 13 Panchayats for saturation of all Govt schemes on pilot basis. These 13 panchayats have been taken one each from 13 blocks.The same models will be replicated in rest panchayats .

The DDC emphasized the need to focus on 100% saturation of these parameters at the ground level in each Panchayat.

He urged all Sectoral officers and Field Functionaries to work collectively and collaboratively to meet the set targets, ensuring that Centrally Sponsored Schemes, individual-oriented beneficiary schemes and social security programs reach the maximum number of beneficiaries.

The departments involved included Rural Development Department (RDD), Animal Husbandry, Labour, Fisheries, FSC & CA , Youth Services and Sports (YSS), Employment, Sheep Husbandry, Jal Shakti, Social Welfare, KVIB, Health, Horticulture, Forest, Agriculture, ICDS, Banks, JKSRLM, JAKEDA, Handicrafts, and Revenue.

While reviewing the indicators on a Panchayat-wise basis, the DDC directed the RDD, Revenue, Forest, and Jal Shakti departments to collaborate in identifying and preserving water bodies in each Panchayat.

He stressed the importance of protection, conservation, and development of these water bodies, along with ensuring extensive plantation, desilting, and cleanliness and geo tagging of water bodies and springs.

The District Development Commissioner also asked the District Youth Services and Sports Officer to coordinate with Block Development Officers (BDOs) to form or reactivate Youth Clubs in each Panchayat.

These clubs will work with other stakeholders to raise awareness about beneficiary schemes and the Nasha Mukt Abhiyan (Drug-Free Campaign). The DDC instructed the SDMs to devise effective monitoring systems in collaboration with field officers to ensure thorough monitoring of the implementation of indicators in these Model Panchayats.

He also directed the formation of Village Level Committees (VLCs) in each Panchayat, including members from SC/ST communities, women, and retired employees, to monitor the saturation of parameters at the ground level.The stakeholders were directed to formulate strategies for achieving goals related to the Nasha Mukt Abhiyan, Plastic-Free Panchayat, Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, ODF Panchayat, and Anemia Mukt Abhiyan in these Panchayats.

Additionally, key focus areas included 100% Aadhaar seeding of beneficiaries, saturation of eligible schemes, development of Self-Help Groups (SHGs) and Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) in agriculture and allied sectors, integrated dairy, poultry, and fisheries units, development of playgrounds, and extension of social security and employment generation programs under the Mumkin and Tejaswani schemes.

R K Shavan called for a target-driven and modular approach by all stakeholders to ensure 100% achievement in all 76 indicators in the Model Panchayats.

He stressed for dedication of all the sectoral officers and the field functionaries and ensuring the effective work culture and prompt public service delivery mechanism in each block.

The meeting was attended by Sectoral and District officers, block level officers besides Panchayat level functionaries of Model Panchayats.



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