JAMMU, Sept 19: In response to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s statement in Srinagar today accusing the three families, NC, Congress and PDP for destroying Jammu and Kashmir, Dr Farooq Abdullah said that J&K would have been part of Pakistan if there were no National Conference during partition of the country in 1947 & release of terrorists in exchange for Rubaiya Sayeed in 1980 and high-jacked Indian Airlines plane in Afghanistan in 1999 were responsible for spread of terrorism in J&K.
Farooq said had National Conference not been there during partition of the country in 1947, J&K would have become a part of Muslim majority Pakistan.
He further said to Media Persons at Udhampur that instead, we preferred the path of Gandhi-Nehru to become part of India where all of its citizens Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs or Buddhists are equals.