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DEO Shopian displays 10 LED for Web Casting installed for monitoring polling across Shopian: Observers to keep close watch on the polling process

DEO Shopian displays 10 LED for Web Casting installed for monitoring polling across Shopian: Observers to keep close watch on the polling process

 SHOPIAN, SEPTEMBER 17: The District Election Officer, Shopian Shahid Saleem has installed 10 LED Displays at Integrated Control Room at Mini Secretariat Shopian in order to monitor and observe the polling process at polling stations of the district.

The installation of the web casting equipment in pursuance to the guidelines of the Election Commission of India (ECI) guidelines is aimed to ensure the fair and transparent conduct of elections.

All polling stations shall be monitored at the control room through the web casting by a dedicated staff. Five systems have been installed for each Assembly Constituency of the district.

All activities at the polling stations shall also be observed by the General Observer for each Constituency at the control room in order to ensure the orderly and seamless conduct of elections.



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