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903 Votes polled by Staff on election duty & essential services at Postal, Voter FCs at Shopian

903 Votes polled by Staff on election duty & essential services at Postal, Voter FCs at Shopian

SHOPIAN, SEPTEMBER 17: The voting of essential services staff and staff on election duty ended today with 903 votes polled in total in twin constituencies of Shopian District.

Out of 1317 votes who applied for voting at these Facilitation Centres (FCs), 903 voters turned up for casting votes, registering a percentage of 68.06% in the district.

The staff voted at voter facilitation centres/ postal voting centers established for both ACs of Shopian and Zainapora.

Special arrangements were made by the District Election Officer for the staff including, Polling parties, media, drivers and conductors, essential services staff of PHE, Health, MC Police, Fire & Emergency etc.

In Shopian AC, out of 717 votes, 488 votes were polled registering a percentage of 68.06% and in Zainapora AC out of 600 votes, 415 votes were polled registering percentage of 69.16%.



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