JAMMU, July 15: Statue of Maharishi Sushruta installed in premises of GMC Jammu. In a unique gesture, GMC Jammu today unveiled the statue of renowned ancient Physician Sushruta the listed author of the Sushruta Samhita (Sushruta's Compendium), a treatise considered to be one of the most important surviving ancient treatises on medicine and is considered a foundational text of Ayurveda.
Hailed as "Father of Plastic Surgery" Maharishi Sushruta was a towering figure and is often described as the Indian counterpart of Hippocrates. The stone statue weighing 3.5 ton and measuring three feet, crafted in black marble was unveiled by the Principal & Dean, GMC Jammu Dr Ashutosh Gupta in the presence of HODs of various departments as well and officials from Hospital Administration.
Speaking on the occasion, Dr Ashutosh Gupta, said that Maharshi Sushruta was an ancient Indian surgeon and is known as the Father of Surgery and it is unfortunate that in spite of his glorious contribution to the medicine and surgery, only a handful of such tributes are found in India and Worldwide. Continuing, Dr. Gupta said that ‘Sushruta Samhita’ is an ancient Sanskrit text on Medicine and Surgery written by the Maharshi and one of the most important such treatises on this subject to survive from the ancient times.
His works compiled as ‘Sushruta Samhita’ describes 60 types of Upkarma for treatment of wounds, 120 surgical instruments, 300 surgical procedures and classifies human surgeries in 8 categories. For Sushruta, the concept of shalya tantra (surgical science) was all-encompassing.
Examples of some of his ground breaking operations include rhinoplasty (the repairing or remaking of a nose), removal of a dead fetus and lithotomy (surgical incision into hollow organs such as urinary bladder to remove stones, or calculi). He also developed many unique and practical techniques to dissect the human body and study its structure.