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Rajiv Ranjan’s posting as Secretary, Revenue, new hope on delineation of Khads?

Rajiv Ranjan’s posting as Secretary, Revenue, new hope  on   delineation of Khads?

Rajesh Gupta

Jammu, June 10: After, issuing orders by Govt regarding, Rajeev Ranjan, IAS (AGMUT:2010), Administrative Secretary to hold the charge of Administrative Secretary, Revenue Department, in addition to his own duties, till further orders, thousand of innocents of J&K are expecting a ray of hope for some positive actions on implementation of LGs Administrative Councils Decision No 17/1/2022 dtd 29th Jan 2022 followed by GO No 18-JK(Rev) of 2022 dtd 4th Feb 2022 by which 03 months were granted to DC's to decide the issue of Gair Mumkin Khad lands but none of the officer bothered to implement both orders .

It is to mention here that only Vijay Kumar Bidhuri with his personal efforts made the system active over the issue but after his transfer none of the Secretaries bothered to implement AC's orders followed by its own Govt order.

Even, new Revenue Secretary can see the working of Revenue Officers for causing intentional delay in public works by communicating furher on the reminder of LG's Office on a complaint vide  No. Rev-Sect/14/2021(C,24000) dtd 25.07.2023 with copy to LG Office.



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