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17,37,865 lakh electorates to cast their ballot in 2,103 polling booths across Baramulla PC

17,37,865 lakh electorates to cast their ballot in 2,103 polling booths across Baramulla PC

SRINAGAR, MAY 18: Around 17,37,865 electorates would be casting their ballot in 2,103 polling stations established across the Baramulla Parliamentary Constituency during 5th phase of ongoing Lok Sabha elections scheduled to be held on May 20.

These total 17,37,865 lakh voters enrolled in the phase V included 8,75,831 male and 8,62,000 female voters besides 34 third gender electorates.

There are around 17128 Persons with Disability and 527 persons above the age of 100 years who will be exercising their franchise”, read a communiqué received from office of Chief Electoral Officer, J&K.

The communiqué added that around 2,103 polling stations have been set up in the fifth phase across 4 districts of Baramulla, Kupwara, Bandipora and parts of Budgam.

The election staff including Presiding Officers will be stationed in every polling station. In total, more than 8,000 polling staff, including reserves, will be deployed on duty on the polling day.

Besides, there are 28 border polling stations in Kupwara and Baramulla districts The communication added that the voting will take place from 7.00 am to 6.00 pm and before that there will be mock poll in the polling stations in presence of the polling agents.

Also, the voting will continue even after 6.00 pm, if the voter's queue is still there in the Polling Station premises to exercise their right to vote.

Every polling station will be provided with Assured Minimum Facilities (AMF’s) like drinking water, electricity, toilet, ramp, furniture, verandah / shed besides wheelchairs will also be provided to the needy.

The ballot unit will also have a list of contesting candidates in braille script. Whereever required, there will be separate queues for senior citizens and specially-abled persons facilitating them in every polling station.

Additionally, there will be a voter help desk, manned by the concerned Booth Level Officer (BLO). There will be 18 polling booths managed by women (also called as pink polling stations), 17 polling booths manned by specially abled persons and 18 by youths.

Also, there will be 21 green polling stations in order to spread messages about environmental concerns.

The purpose behind these special polling stations is to spread awareness among sections of the society like women, specially abled, first time young voters to come forward and exercise their right to vote.



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